
5 Minute Technique to Fix Your Body after Your Work Day

5 Minute Technique to Fix Your Body after Your Work Day 1500 1113 acupuncture

Here is an old video I put together Demonstrating Very Simple Sun Salutations in Yoga.  Don’t be afraid, EVERYONE can do this even if your movement doesn’t look quite like mine.  Try, Modify and figure it out how it works for you.  5 or 10 rounds of this will take out ALL the tightness, stress and fatigue…

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HIP AND SHOULDER HEALTH 1500 1001 acupuncture

As we age significantly, a major difficulty we face in life is broken hips and shoulders. Yet, we do not need to be at that point in our lives to appreciate the health of these structures.  Your hip and shoulder girdles provide a tremendous amount of mobility for us in our lifetime. Due to our…

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Relationship of Your Heart and Lungs

Relationship of Your Heart and Lungs 1500 844 acupuncture

Many of you know or have heard that autumn is the season of the element metal, which has its internal association with your lungs and large intestine. This is the internal body manifestation of the energy that is heightened in autumn and thus heightened within your self.  Very basically, it’s the most opportune and auspicious…

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Fire and water – The Perfect Balance of Ancient Chinese Medicine

Fire and water – The Perfect Balance of Ancient Chinese Medicine 1500 970 acupuncture

Greetings All!  Enjoy my new article where I observe our global shift as we begin to heal each of the cyclical elements within ourselves! In ancient Chinese medicine there are certain basic elements of which we are completely composed. Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire are these elements and they each have universal associations from…

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